Friday, March 5, 2010


 This year I decided to try out square foot gardening. In the past I have grown mostly peppers. I have had pretty good success growing in containers but this year I want to try something different.

I went this morning and bought everything I think I'm going to need for construction of the boxes. I decided to build 2 4'x4' boxes. I was a little worried about the 6" depth so I will be using 2x8" untreated pine wood.
For the soil I will be using something close to the traditional Mel's Mix. I couldn't find five sources of compost so I will only be using cow and mushroom. I was able to find vermiculite at a local feed store, and I found baled peat moss at Lowes. I am also adding a couple cubic feet of Miracle Grow organic vegetable soil for good measure. I have used MG in the past for my peppers and have had good results.
I also purchased the hardware from Lowes. I have wood screws, small eye bolts, and polypropylene twine.

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